Before we jump right into it, this is probably not the balancing topic that you are thinking about, or the first idea that might come to mind. In the busyness and chaos we all seem to find ourselves in at one point or another, whether it be juggling work and family, a single mom juggling 2 jobs and making sure her kids are good and loved, a Dad who is promoted at work or someone starting their own business, and making sure the family isn’t being neglected, or maybe your hearts dreams and desires have grown, and you want to juggle it all with honor and grace. I mean there are so many people out there these days wanting to sell you their strategies on time management, or sell you a life coaching plan, or help with ‘goal setting’. Although that is all extremely important and ‘relevant for today’ that is actually not at all what I am addressing or sharing about today. Nope. Not even a little.
What I want to talk about today is the root to all of that, which is the Balancing Act of the Heart Posture, and making sure our mind, desires, ambitions, and goals align with that heart posture. And If I am going to be honest, my biggest prayer lately has been Lord align my heart with yours, sync my desires with your desires for my life. I want nothing if it is not 100% from you and for you. Colossians 3:23-24 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
We must on a consistent basis take inventory of our heart, not allowing snares or fiery darts to come in and stay. ( Anyone else have the old school song going through their head right now, “Purify My Heart”. ) Love that song! “Create In Me a Clean Heart”. But this is definitely easier said than done at times, after all we are human. But if we are willing to submit to His Word, and truly Surrender to His ways we will see RESULTS! That is a Given. Obedience always produces Results. Some of the malfunctions of the heart posture can include, Pride, Jealousy, Superiority, Inferiority ( yes, feeling less than ), Bitterness, Unforgiveness, Selfishness, Self ambition rather than God motivated, chasing success or money more than chasing God (idolatry). Competing with one another ( especially in the church, the Body of Christ) After all, we are 1 BODY ). and the greatest of all is to Not Walk in Love with HIs people. “For it is His Love that brings it all to completion”. I think Yahweh, Beginning and the End knew how difficult that may be at times to walk in love with people, yet He still Called Us to IT!
Now all of these emotions/ attitudes are bound to skim our surface, as we are human beings living in this earthly realm. But it is up to us to take the act of faith and surrender ( which doesn't always “feel good” ) to align our heart with His. I always say taking the physical, tangible act to counteract anything coming at us is the Best place to start. Its like refusing to get in agreement with the emotion. An outward expression of our decision to believe His Word over our own thoughts. I will say there is truly no greater reward or experience than to be truly and completely free in this way. This does require a very real and clear look internally. A look not many are actually willing to do. Its the purification process, when we ask the Lord to purify our heart and our motives. Time in prayer really helps me with this. With social media, it is so easy to compare ourselves which can lead us Into a trap of judgement, jealousy, or even in a place where we question God and what His plans are. I really meant it when I said taking a physical act will break that hold or mindset right off of you. If you feel anything trying to creep in that you know isn’t a thought or feeling sent from HIM, take the physical act against it. Being the opposite of what you may feel in the moment. Pray for the Lord to align you heart with His, and repent, and ask for help in doing it. To me, its similar to when He says in James 5:16 “Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed and restored. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” I firmly stand on the fact when we open up or share a weakness or struggle with someone ( someone we trust and know will guide us to His word and HIs wisdom). The enemy in that very second, LOSES HIS GRIP ON YOU IN THAT AREA! It can be hard, or scary at first to open up or share something like that. But its the first step to freedom, so of course the enemy would try and scare you out of it. Take the step, the act of faith to yield to Him, your heart will instantly soften, becoming the very putty God needs to mold into what He desires for you and for Him.
So, I encourage you today to take a step, whether it be to forgive someone, or uplift, encourage, or maybe to let go of bitterness, grudges, or judgements of people and their motives. That is for God to be concerned with, not us. Pray for them. Maybe reach out in love to someone who would love to be seen by you, or needs to feel heard. Never underestimate the power of little acts of kindness and obedience to His Word. Never let theses things like jealousy, unforgiveness, bitterness, accusations of others hearts and character fester and stay in your heart. BOOT them OUT! Only God really knows all that someone is and feels and thinks internally. He didn’t call us to figure it all out, He called us to love them. Love is the weapon of Breakthrough! Not just for the other person receiving it but also for you the one Giving it. When you feel yourself getting off track, or shaky or unsure, just start with Walking In Love, with others, and mainly out of a Love for your Father in Heaven.
What this can and will do; I will go ahead and be bold and speak it on your behalf. It will create a space, a vessel for the Holy Spirit TO DWELL. He will be able to move and operate in and through you FREELY. Because all of those snares are just Hinderances to His spirit and also a muffling of Gods voice in your life. Don’t you want to be able to hear and hear clearly the Voice of our Abba Father. I know I do! :)
Then we are able to get to the good stuff. A deeper relationship, a deeper encounter with our Lord and Savior. I want to know and learn all the greatest depths of His heart. I learned recently this and it is so powerful. “That with a Greater Knowledge and Understanding, there is also a Greater Accountability.” So I truly believe when He knows you are ready to obey, He will then reveal new things to you.
Are you ready? I mean realllllllyyy ready to fully obey? Give in to Him, His ways. His promptings? If you are reading this, then that means I am praying for you. I am praying that His Spirit be the ultimate balance to all else in your life. For you, so you can truly be free, but even more Than that so that you can be free to do and accomplish what it is He created you for. I bet you, it is far more and far greater than you can even imagine. When we really sit on the truth that this life, and this earth is so temporary, then we will realize how great and how important KINGDOM WORK truly is. He wants Heaven crowded, but also wants His children to walk in true Victory here on earth as well.
Keep your eyes open always, meaning BE alert and of sober mind because the enemy is prowling like a lion seeking whom he may devour. I know many take this literal as far as being sober. We shouldn’t drink too much or fog our mind so we remain clear. I do agree with that as well, ( I am someone who has personally been freed of addiction. Thats another story of Gods goodness in response to my obedience ). But what I am actually pointing out in this scripture is not that. Not the obvious. It is so easy in todays world for our eyes to close, the eyes of our spirit. It tends to get sleepy on us when we focus on only earthly things. A mom with her children and running a household, the working mom, anyone in leadership who gets caught up more in the ‘ task ‘ than the calling, the Dad working 60 hours to provide for his family, the teenager who is wrapped up in friends and opinions. Just some examples here, all of that is common and almost inevitable, but we have to make sure we continue to press in to His voice, HIs word, His presence, then our eyes will remain open to not just what’s in front of us, but what He is trying to teach us and train us for, for the next season. We must balance our time with Him, in order to balance our Heart posture for Him and HIs people, so He can balance our steps in this season, so He can go ahead of us and prepare the next season. And when we get there, we won’t be shaky or unprepared, we will be confident and prepared and BALANCED.