Gods Timing Is Always Better than Ours?

This is the Question I myself was dealing with on NOVEMBER of 2020, but I actually wrote this on APRIL of 2021. There is some sweet Irony for you.

Boy oh boy! Have you ever been in a situation or season in your life where you really think it’s the Perfect time for something? Maybe something you are waiting on currently and believing God for? It could be days, months, or even years. I mean of course you have right? Where things seem to be lined up accordingly. What could God possibly be waiting for? Ive been on all sides of that spectrum. My husband and I walking through some things for over 12 years, and we just were at a lost for words at what God could have possibly been doing behind the scenes? But we did come out of that tunnel with the brightest Light ever. If we would have “gotten our way” we would actually have robbed ourselves of so many more blessings! If it happened in “our time” we would not have been ready or equipped at that time.

Let’s pause for a moment…Our God is not a God who withholds from His children. There is either something better on the horizon, or something better He wants to do In you.

It sure doesn’t feel like that sometimes when we are waiting, hoping, believing, striving, moving, sitting still, or relying on Him to move on our behalf. How are we expecting Him to move in our circumstance?

The list could go on and on right?! When we want to buy a house, pay off debt, a family member to come to know Jesus, a promotion at work, a sickness to leave your body, anxiety that wants to try and creep its way in and out of your life, a business venture, a friendship, a baby, a husband who is or isn’t in your life yet.

We can start by looking internally, What is the Lord speaking to us through this current situation? How could I grow? How can I Learn? What in me is He possibly trying to Develop? What is He trying to teach me through this? Not that it is what He is always doing or waiting on, but that definitely never hurt right? I say when we dig deep, He is always gonna have a new revelation for us. I mean cause really we have never arrived, no matter who we are or where we are in life.

Let’s ask ourselves This Question. What is it that God knows that I do not? Because He is Sovereign after all. He sees the bigger picture. He knows everything from beginning to end. He is the Alpha and Omega. He knew us before we were in the womb. He knows the biggest and smallest desires of our heart. I am gonna go out on a limb and say for the most part, if those desires line up with His Word, then He actually placed those desires in your heart strategically. So we should never think, He is not moving on our behalf , or withholding. There are so many moving factors in this world, let alone our situation. Lets think of the other parties involved. If it is a home you want to buy, and the perfect house’s door seems to have closed (no pun intended), then maybe it was even more perfect for another family. Or if you are waiting on the Husband God has for you, and he has not yet shown up in your life or maybe he has and you don’t know it yet. God is currently preparing that man for you the way He is preparing you for your husband. My mother prayed for my husband before I was even born, and it shows. His life took him down so many roads, as mine also did. He was literally 15 min away from me for years and we never met. It was in Gods timing that our paths crossed. He was preparing us both, one for the other.

It is that mindset that can help us trust Gods process. We may not always understand it, especially since we are only seeing a tiny fracture of what is actually at work. But now I am gonna share a little bit of how it looks on the other side. Coming out through the tunnel. Only to lead me into another, but I can share with you How I was ready to start Dreams Collect a year ago and God said to me to wait!

What I thought was a Tree turns out it is only a branch of a much larger tree God has placed on my heart. There have been so many detours, and side roads I have gone down. Some lead by the Holy Spirit, and others we'll not so much. (Just being Honest). But what I can say is that from all of them I have learned so much about who I am and about who the God in me IS. Really, all I want is to fulfill the Dreams of His Heart for my life. I want to make sure all my dreams, visions for my future are in full alignment with His. Then when we Go Boldly to His Throne of Grace, we can do this with SUCH A CONFIDENCE, knowing its God motivated, and not self-motivated. So, although, I have overcome fear, and I am still overcoming Focus and Procrastination Issues, Each day I take it to the Feet of Jesus, and HAND over the Reigns.

Now, as for that TREE I mentioned earlier, you will just have to follow along to see how all that plays out. ;)

But what I can say is that I am so grateful for this past season, and all that came with it, and everything I learned from it. Easier said than done at times, but I never want anything on my time, I want all to flow with His perfect Will. Its far better than anything you could even dream of or Imagine.