Posts tagged #fairtradejewelry
Is Your FAITH Dead or Alive? ( KEEP LEAPING!! )

Its so easy with all the Craziness in the World to get distracted or not feel like we have the time to sit and meditate on Who God is and just BE with Him. No matter who you are, or what you’re dealing with, I ask you 1 thing? When is the last time you Leaped? Leaped in Faith for something BIG? Believe it or not we are given these opportunities all the time. Whats exciting is that no matter what We have never “arrived” . The Lord is always wanting more of you, but only so He can pour more of Himself out on you and in your situation and spill right over into your dreams, and flood your Spirit with His Spirit. Faith is a Living Thing! We must keep feeding it in order for it to STAY ALIVE!

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